Hi world, as we see today the technology is moving so rapidly. Daily there are numerous of inventions in every area moving on, but as we see with other point of view, is the human mankind in progress or decline.
Today the condition of world is becoming worse and worse, there is insecurity in for humans so much that, every one is searching for the way they might get peace.
Today human mankind wants two things most necessarily, they are peace and happiness. Human mankind is trying n number of ways to get these things.
These are qualities which comes inside, today man is completely empty from inside. From outside appearance they try to convince themselves that they are complete, but infact what they feel from heart.
So, to complete human mankind from inner qualities, GOD has come to the earth to fill everyone from inner most qualities.
So the question is WHO AM I, as we see, we think we are a name which is attributed to this physical body. But we are something more and more than this, we are a SOUL, a tiny bright star located at the center of fore-head. A SOUL is a like a sparkling light made up of two things: one is light and the other is might.
So, now we are clear who are we, we are a soul made up of light and might. We get the light and might from whom is the question we need to know.
So, as parents gives birth to children, the structure of child is same as parents, so when we are soul, we will also be created by some one, and main key factor is that he should also be like us. So, he is supreme soul, a tiny bright star located far above the sky, in his world called PARANDHAM.
The PARAMDHAM is a composite word, which can be broken into two attributes called PARAM and DHAM.
Here the meaning of PARAM is most elevated entity ever, so GOD he is so great, he is greatest of all, powerful of all, he is the ocean of every qualities we talk about.
And DHAM means the place where he lives, as PARAM indicates his appearence so the place he lives will also be highest of highest.
Hence PARANDHAM means place where GOD lives. People says he lives in every human beings, even in animals, but this is a complete false, how can GOD greatest of great can live within us, who are just a simple human being.
So, now we are clear who are we, and we are being created by supreme soul.
Now let know our relationship with supreme soul, after all we are being created by him. So he is our FATHER,MOTHER,FRIEND,TEACHER,GURU, and many more we want to be with him.
So, we feel so secured when our father, mother, friend, teacher, guru, and many more is none other than GOD. We feel so proud that we are being accepted by GOD, some people feel that no one accepts them, they feel every one ignore them, but now why do you worry, when you are being accepted and cared by the greatest of great, the most lovable GOD loves you.
As soul has seven inner qualities they are HAPPINESS, PEACE, BLISS, LOVE, PURITY, KNOWLEDGE, POWER. These are the inbuilt qualities in soul feeded by supreme soul.
GOD has come to the earth to change the world into a heavenly place. We, children of GOD get many gifts from GOD. As by bodily father we get physical property, by bodiless father we get spritual property. As a mother cares us, the same way he cares us too much, he gives us sprital teaching in the from of teacher, and blesses as a Guru.
As GOD is a point of star, how can he give teaching, so he uses a body of human, and uses there voice to teach us. As for example consider a car where driver is seated, he is seated where he all controls on car like steering, break, accelerator, and many more things.
The same way soul is also seated in the center of fore-head where the soul has all the control on the five organs, so the supreme soul takes loan of a human body and locates on his soul position the uses voice of that body and gives us teachings.
This teaching is freely available in BRAHMA KUMARIS ISHWARIYA VISHWA VIDYALAYA.
OM SHANTI @ www.brahmakumaris.com
They have many branches in across 130 countries, and numerous of branches in India.
Now, lets again come to point, what OM SHANTI is, here the word OM means soul, and the word shanti means silence, here silence refers to we soul are silent, our supreme soul is also silent, and even his living place PARANDHAM is also silent. So, SHANTI has three points related.
We normally say OM SHANTI to every one we see in centers, centers refer to branch name.
So, when we say this word, we try to be in silent state and the ones for whom we say also responds us being in silent state.
So, this creates a silent environment and creating silence is very much necessary for the world. Along with silence, Purity also holds a very strong power, every problem of society, nation, or religious problem, or worlds problems can be solved using the silence and purity power.