Sunday, 7 September 2014


As the name indicates heavenly world, the world has turned into a heaven. The supreme soul has created this world, as mentioned in title LIGHT OF GOD-INTRODUCTION. 

Deity who live here know who they are, they know they are soul, they see each other as soul, they live happily, even nature serves them. They wake up at early morning 4:00 AM, they wake up by the sweetness of music the nature has, there the nature makes music the music through nice voice of the birds, the sound of breezing air, and many other fascinating wonders of nature.

The deity whom we worship in temples, are the ones who lives here, so how they became deity in mentioned in title BECOMING DEITIES FROM HUMANS.

                              There will be peace and happiness all over the world, we will be the owner of the whole world, here the owner of the world means, the five elements of the nature like Air,Water, Fire, Ether, Earth will be under control of us.

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